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    Just got my results and failed by two questions. I thought I passed it well enough. Not sure how they mark the exam. So upset right now…spent so much time….so frustrated. Now have to be a part of the new curriculum. arghh…


    Yes. Exam 1 is the most difficult based on my experience as well. The questions are very tricky and they require deep understanding of the concepts. In addition, the curriculum for exam 1 is crazy as well…so much materials to read and understand…


    I missed passing it by two questions. i really thought that I would of done better than that. Maybe i didn’t study hard enough to pass it. Questions were very tricky relative to the other exams. Just venting right now…going back on the saddle and booking this exam again in December. Going to go hardcore on the material.


    Hi folks!

    I failed exam I for just 3 questions on June and now I have passed with 77% in September so do not give up, never surrender!!!

    For exam I, I spent A LOT OF TIME squeezing in the handbook material, I think too much and I realized when I failed the exam I in June that may be I had to focus more in doing more mock exams rather that going through the material on and on (riskprep I found it much better explained the answers than the kesdee mock examns).

    Does anyone have done exam III alredy? do you recomend to focus more in mock exams like kesdee or riskprep?

    I am looking for some feedback regarding exam III and to compare it with exam I which I actually have alredy passed so I can give some advice in this one…

    My apretiation is that exam I has been quite tough, do anybody think exam III is even tougher? have anyone any recomendations for preparation of exam III?

    Is exam III more quantitative that exam I? Or does it focus more in topics/understanding the theoric concepts? (like does the exam I)

    Exam I, I found hard because you had to be very confident in the topics, the understanding concepts rather than doing complex maths (which is my strength as an engineer), what is your feedback for exam III?

    The suplementary papers for exam III are important or can I “throw” them away?

    I look forward your comments.

    Kind regards.

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