About Forums PRM Exam Prep Forum Trouble with uploading of PRM Application Form

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    Dear all,

    I’m trying to upload PRM Application Form (https://prmia.org/PRMApplication), but have some troubles.

    When I attach notarized translation of my diploma and press button “Pay Application Fee”, the page of web-site refreshes and all fields become empty.
    Without attached document the program allows me to continue the process (button “Pay Application Fee” starts to work), but according to instructions, any application without documentation showing education level will be denied.

    I’ve tried to fill all fields and attach a document many times using different browsers, changing Internet settings (turn on and turn off Pop up Blocker), changing format of attached document (PDF/jpg – the size of the file in both formats is less than 10 MB), but the result is the same.

    I’ve already sent emails to PRM Support, but they haven’t solved the issue yet.

    Have you faced similar challenges during application uploading process?
    If you have, please give some recommendations on further steps

    Thank you in advance!

    Kind regards,


    When I did it about a month ago, it was very confusing where it didn’t look like the document uploaded, but it actually did. Not sure if you’re having a similar issue?


    hi, i have completed the PDF application form and also clicked the “Record Completion” button and paid the “PRM Application Fee” for 7 days, i still can’t click the “PRM Program Fee” link, and there’s still not any reply until now. So, when did you receive the mail which noticed your application has been reviewed?

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