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    there appear to be 2 different list of case studies – http://www.prmia.org/risk-resources/case-studies and http://www.prmia.org/prm-exam/casestudies-standards ..

    seems like the later is the one to use, can someone confirm cases such as daiwa etc don’t appear in exam4?


    this is the link for exam 4 preparation resources


    alternately you can download the exam 4 study guide from this link



    I studied the case studies that were listed on the PRM exam handbook. Those were all that were asked in the exam.

    The exam did cover a wide range of cases. In most cases, the questions were reasonable, didn’t for most part require memorizing any details such as amount of losesses and such (the handbook has a question on ltcm that doesn’t appear to be covered in the case, and is also a very specific detail to be memorized..thankfully, the exam was quite sensible)

    most questions were regarding the problems, the way a certain hedge would have performed (or why a certain action may NOT have helped in a situation) as well as the consequences.

    there were a lot of questions on the best practices and prmia bylaws part. yes, it says 30% and I think 7 out of 24 questions were on these. so my advise would be to read them just as well as you would read any case study. hope this helps others on the forum

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